Faculty of Applied Informatics
and Mathematics
The Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics in the first-cycle and second-cycle studies in the full-time and part-time system carries out two fields of study: Computer Science and Information Technology and Econometrics. The faculty offers second-cycle studies in English and post-graduate studies. The faculty offers second-cycle studies in English and post-graduate studies.

Studies at the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics
Students complete compulsory and optional subjects, as well as study internships and have the opportunity to take advantage of the education offer abroad. Study programs at the faculty are adapted to the applicable teaching standards.
First and second degree studies
Life at the university
Life of the faculty

For students
One Health Student International Conference
The event will be organized between 24 November and 27 November in București, Romania.Deadline for abstract submissions is on August 31st, 2021.

For students
3rd Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy & Sustainable Development - Online
6 - 10 September 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece, American Farm School. Registration closing - 31.8.2021

For students
Vulcanus Programme – one-year student internship in Japan
International Relations Office informs about an attractive offer for EU students of science who want to participate in a one-year internship in Japan.

For students
Prejudice, racism and hate crimes. How to react?
We invite all foreign students to a meeting at which we will inform students about the rigts related to crimes motivated by prejudices based on nationality, etnicity, "race" and religion.
Upcoming events
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31 03.2025
Social media
WEBInobranie w SGGW - Informatyka
Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki realizuje na studiach pierwszego i drugiego stopnia w systemie stacjonarnym i niestacjonarnym dwa kierunki studiów: informatyka oraz informatyka i ekonom
Uroczysta Inauguracja Roku Akademickiego 2022/2023 w SGGW
Czy można zbudować wirtualny mózg? - na to pytanie w swoim wykładzie inauguracyjnym odpowie prof. dr hab. Wiesław Nowiński